Comparison between low-cost and top-of-the-range Plaster coatings

2024-10-15T08:32:27+00:0009/04/2024|General, Graco|

Video comparison of the best and cheapest plasters - a subject we've had on our list for a long time. Is it worth buying cheap plaster, or is it better to spend a bit more for it? In practice, we find that many of our customers opt for the lower-quality plaster in order to save [...]

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Graco airless pump Classic S or ST MAX II ?

2024-09-16T10:11:19+00:0008/23/2024|Airless Paint Sprayers, Graco|

It was time to answer the question: What's the difference between a Graco Classic S and a ST MAX II? This question only applies to Graco's top-of-the-range professional airless machines. But it's important to understand when it may be necessary to invest in the ST MAX II version rather than the CLASSIC S. In the [...]

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Comparison of Graco Mark V & VII sprayers

2024-09-16T10:01:58+00:0008/07/2024|Airless Paint Sprayers, Graco|

You want to start spraying plaster, but you don't know which machine to choose. You're sure you want the (American) Graco brand, but which model will best suit your needs once you're on site? Mark V, VII, X? Dutymax series, T-MAX series, etc.? In today's article, we're going to focus on the differences between the [...]

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Differences between the Wagner SuperFinish 23 Plus and 23 Pro


#WagnerSuperFinishSF23 In this article we would like to give you the main differences between the Pro and Plus versions of the SuperFinish 23 model. Not only the price but also the mechanics are different and it turns out, as you will discover, that the Wagner SuperFinish 23 Plus is more interesting than the Pro version [...]

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