The most likely cause for your SmartStart function not to work is air leaking from the hose or spray gun.

In this article and video, we will guide you through troubleshooting tips for checking and resolving your Smartstart function not working properly on your Graco TurboForce II FinishPro HVLP 9.5.

What is HVLP SmartStart?

SmartStart is a feature on Graco FinishPro HVLP ProContractor sprayers that automatically shuts off the turbine when not spraying.

This reduces job-site noise and extends turbine life. Release the trigger on your Edge II Plus spray gun and after about 10 seconds the turbine will automatically switch off.


Check for air leaks in the hose

  1. Turn on the HVLP sprayer with the SmartStart feature activated.
  2. Close the valve on the hose whip.
  3. If the turbine continues to run (SmartStart feature seems to not be working), the air leak will be in the hose.
  4. Inspect the hose for an air leak. Spray soapy water on the gun to help you find the air leak.
  5. Replace the hose if you find an air leak.
  6. If no air leak can be found in the hose, its possible there is an electric fault instead. Please call us for more assistance.

Hose whip: get your new SuperFlex air hose whip here

9m air hose: SuperFlex 9m air hose here

Check for air leaks in the spray gun

  1. Turn on the HVLP sprayer with the SmartStart feature activated.
  2. Close the valve on the hose whip.
  3. If the turbine now turns off after 10 seconds, we have isolated the problem to be an air leak in the spray gun.
  4. First ensure the spray gun parts have been adequately connected and sealed properly.
  5. Next, check the following:
    1. ) air tube connected properly onto the gun and beaker
    2. ) FlexLiner cup and beaker screwed on properly and tight
    3. ) seals around the nozzle – spray soapy water around the connections of the nozzle to see if air is escaping.
  6. If you find air escaping around a tube connection or nozzle. Try to secure it once more.
  7. If the part is worn or damaged – replace
  8. If you still can’t find any issues with the spray gun, then give us a call and we can assist you further.
Graco Edge II Plus spray gun

Graco Edge II Plus spray gun

Complete gun in shop – 17P483

Read more about the Edge II Plus HVLP spray gun here.

For those not needing the extra features of the ProContractor version (includes the SmartStart feature), you can get the HVLP standard model instead.

If you want to know more about the differences between the Standard and ProContractor models, see this article here (includes video).

Graco FinishPro HVLP models

Each article below covers the specifications, features and what is included in delivery:

Graco TurboForce II FinishPro HVLP 9.0 Standard

Graco TurboForce II FinishPro HVLP 7.0 ProContractor

Graco TurboForce II FinishPro HVLP 9.5 ProContractor

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For any further questions or if you would like to get your hands on one of these products seen in this article, you can contact us on +49 (0) 30 220 15436, fill out our contact form or email us. If you wish to purchase one of the products mentioned above, you can check them out in our online store. You can also visit us at our service base during office hours.

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